PRXReportingManager Protocol Reference
Conforms to | NSObject |
Declared in | PRXReporting.h |
– reportTriggerEvent:triggerID:
required method -
– reportTriggerEvent:triggerID:externalEventReference:
required method -
– reportUserEvent:customProperties:
required method -
– setExternalUserReference:
required method
Instance Methods
Reports a trigger event for a given trigger based on the provided event type.
- (void)reportTriggerEvent:(PRXTriggerEventType)eventType triggerID:(NSString *)triggerID
- eventType
The type of event to report on.
- triggerID
The unique ID of the PRXTrigger that the event is related to.
An event could potentially fail to be reported on, this could be down to the application not currently being authenticated with TapPoint. This would be output in the log. If this is the case, you should authenticate with TapPoint using the shared authentication manager found in the PRXAuthentication class.
Declared In
Reports a trigger event for a given trigger based on the provided event type.
- (void)reportTriggerEvent:(PRXTriggerEventType)eventType triggerID:(NSString *)triggerID externalEventReference:(NSString *)extEventRef
- eventType
The type of event to report on.
- triggerID
The unique ID of the PRXTrigger that the event is related to.
- extEventRef
A user defined external event reference to be attached to the event.
An event could potentially fail to be reported on, this could be down to the application not currently being authenticated with TapPoint. This would be output in the log. If this is the case, you should authenticate with TapPoint using the shared authentication manager found in the PRXAuthentication class.
Declared In
Reports a user event with the provided name and properies.
- (void)reportUserEvent:(NSString *)eventName customProperties:(NSDictionary *)customProperties
- eventName
The name of the event to report.
- customProperties
A user defined set of properties to be attached to the event.
An event could potentially fail to be reported on, this could be down to the application not currently being authenticated with TapPoint. This would be output in the log. If this is the case, you should authenticate with TapPoint using the shared authentication manager found in the PRXAuthentication class.
Declared In
Ensures all subsequent reporting events will be associated with a unique user reference.
- (void)setExternalUserReference:(NSString *)extUserRef
- extUserRef
The external user reference to associate with all reporting events. By providing nil or empty, you are indicating that any existing user reference will be cleared and all subsequent reporting events will not be associated with a user.
Declared In